On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 5:58 PM, dsummersmi...@comcast.net <
dsummersmi...@comcast.net> wrote:

> You are very very quite about yourself, but your posts indicate someone who
> has never had to properly simplify a complex situation in order to succeed.
> I don't think I've corresponded with anyone who writes as though they
> believe that Murphy's laws never apply to complex systems, and that humans
> can do nothing but make things worse.  Your posts make the antagoist of
> Earth a look protechnical. :-)

I couldn't agree more... and I must admit that's partly because I see myself
as one who is good a simplifying complex problems to solve them.  In the
words of my last boss (which are memorialized in a recommendation on
LinkedIn), "[Nick] can analyze and decompose highly complex problems and
synthesize solutions."  And I'm pretty sure that was a compliment.  ;-)


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