On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 5:46 PM,
dsummersmi...@comcast.net<dsummersmi...@comcast.net> wrote:

> But, if I were to pay
> as myself, then any health issues would put me in the 40k/year bracket.  I
> could probably afford it, but most folks can't.  So, after one big illness,
> you're dropped, and that's it.

The problems you are talking about are mostly transition problems --
how do we get there from here? There would almost certainly need to be
government involvement in any transition to a consumer-driven system,
since the government is already so heavily involved and people have
planned on that.

But after a (probably decades long) transitional period, there would
be a lot more choices for health insurance than there are now. There
would be numerous long-term (5-10 year) policies, lifetime policies,
catastrophics policies, health-status insurance, etc.

The government could still help with those who would have otherwise
slipped through the cracks, using subsidies and/or vouchers.


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