On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 9:16 PM, John Williams <jwilliams4...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 8:10 PM, Patrick Sweeney<firefly.ga...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Until you have freed everyone else in the world from taxes, you don't
> > get to talk about the US any more. Sorry. Just applying your own rules
> > to you. It's only fair.
> No, not really. I have a limited amount of time and resources, and I
> choose to use them in the way that I think I can accomplish the most.
> There are other people in the world who are in more need than those
> paying high taxes (who are primarily in Europe) and are relatively
> well off compared to others in the third world.

It occurs to me that your reasoning in this matter is like the guy who tells
his girlfriend that the fact that he isn't married to her means he is *more*
committed than if they were married, because he's in the relationship by
choice.  I know that guy.

This insistence that paying lawfully enacted taxes takes away your freedom
is a failure to make a complete commitment to society.  Sure, people joke
about marriage taking away freedom, but it's just that, a joke.  People who
are married are still in it by choice, but they have chosen to commit,
rather than insisting that any commitment is a loss of freedom.

Your equating of taxes to slavery and such is really an unwillingness to
commit.  It limits the freedoms that society can provide.  Without people
committed to paying their fair share, we would have no defense, no schools,
no ambulances, no police.  When you insist that off this is slavery and
demand to pick and choose, you're not committed to your country for better
or worse, in sickness and in health, etc.  It is just as wimpy as a
half-hearted commitment to a life partner.

If you can't live with the commitment, you have no right to whine that your
freedom is being taken away.  It isn't a commitment to do whatever the other
party asks, it is a commitment to do your part, freely.


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