>That's precisely what lots of people 
>wonder.  Neither government nor business has a 
>record that exactly encourages optimism.

I guess it depends on perspective.  Compare the lot of the median citizen
of the US with the median citizen of any country 500 years ago; 300 years
ago; 100 years ago.  Compare, even, the lot of the median person in the
world in the same manner.

Part of the problem with government is that, as the strong oppositition to
socialized medicine by folks who don't want their socialized medicine
reduced in any way shape or form, we have met the enemey and he is us. With
respect to healthcare, we know the US lags behind the rest of the world in
bang for the buck. So, we know improvements can be made.  But, we certainly
have made tremendous progress in the last 200 years.  If we were to make
similar progress in the next 200; things would be phenomenal.  But, we may
have reached the point where the low hanging fruit is taken.  It all
depends on whether we find good black swans for economics and find a
balance to the drive towards individualistic entittlement that we've seen
in the last 40 years.

Dan M. 

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