Hello list--

Dan wrote:
> Anyways, when we aren't arguing with John; not much is said around here any
> more.  None of us has his talent for generating list traffic. :-)

To which I would argue, is low traffic a bad thing?  I think the
signal:noise ratio has gone way up, lately.  Again, I remember quite a bit
of traffic around JDG every six months or so when he'd stir the pot on the
abortion debate.  You might miss him and all that traffic, Dan, but I sure
don't.  It took me over an hour to get through this weekend's traffic with
all of John's interrogative answers going round, and round, and round, and
round....I'm dizzy.

And as for going to jail for not paying taxes, anyone remember exactly what
happened to Joan Baez?  I know she refused to pay 60% of her taxes one year
(in the 1970's) because that's how much went to defense and the Viet Nam
war, but I can't remember off the top of my head if she went to jail or not.
I'm sure it's easy to look up, but I'm trying to get out the door to go

Another thing I'd like to point out, for not particular reason, is Where Are
The Women On This List?  Are Julia and I the only xx's left?  You lurking
females out there, *Please* speak up on anything and everything.  This has
become BrinL for mostly men and a couple of women.

Chris wrote:
> As small as WWI or before? No way will that happen unless there is an
> international disaster and major die-off of the human species.  Of
> course we might be on the way to that already due to environmental
> changes.  

This is something I worry about -- what will our Grandchildren be doing when
they're my age?  What will the world be like for them?  The primary group we
donate to each year is trying to reduce world populations.  I'm worried
we're approaching a colony count that's going to exceed carrying capacity.
Doom and gloom?  Maybe -- so convince me otherwise, guys.

Oh, and anyone drive a CNG vehicle?  The Engineer is starting to make noises
like he actually wants to spend some $$ on car, and is thinking that might
be the way to go.  The only one's we found in the US were Hondas in
California -- go figure.


Jo Anne


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