There are lots of Terry Pratchett books with Vetenari in them, including Going 
Postal - utterly delightful, that one! 

I tried downloading some PDF files on the university's eReserve list and they 
came out dreadfully tiny - and the print-size changer did not work, Not on PDF. 
So I read the fool thing on my desktop. Sigh. Hardly worth the effort. (Someone 
being sententious abotu the function of Art.)

Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 21:34:56 -0400
Subject: Re: What's to read?


Pat wrote:

    I have a Sony 505. The books on my reader are on my reader and on my 
    desktop, not on my account on someone else's server. If anyone wants to 
    delete them [think 1984] or whatever, they have to physically steal my 
    reader and then delete the book. I own them outright. Nobody else has any 
    rights in the copies I own except, in this state, if I had a legally 
    spouse. (Community property state). 

No one gonna take my 505 away 

  Doug wrote- 

  That's nice, but if I was a best selling author I think I'd be pretty 
  reluctant to sell my book that way for fear that someone would make copies 
  give them away a la mp3 file sharing.  And unlike musicians, authors 
  aren't likely to make a lot of money on tour so once their book is being 
  distributed for free, they're SOL.

  Other than the ownership factor, how do you like your reader so far? 
  Hi all,
  Since this thread has been "around the block" twice, I figured I would 
  finally get around to chiming in.  My Sony 500 is 3+ years old and going 
  strong.  I still feel a bit like Chekov on the bridge reading it 
  :-)  Since I have been rather "behind" on scifi reading compared to many 
  of you, I have had fun with some of the "bundles" (finally read 
  Mars) and have been pleased with the addition over the past year of having an 
  option of selecting from a list of award winner options that have been 
  broadening my author pool a bit.  
  My pleasure reading time still isn't the best, but I do refuse to put my 
  professional journals on it (.pdf) just on principle.  It has held up 
  well to a wide variety of stressors including quite a few long hot days at 
  beach, etc.  I had concerns about the battery, but it is also 
  holding up well and holding for days/thousand plus page sessions. 
  Seeing the newer version with the light on the side was cool, and it 
  looks like now there is an easy right hand page turning function which this 
  one doesn't offer.  I know some of you pointed me to free download sites, 
  but it has proven a bit more challenging with the older model.  
  Just saw the new large size Kindle in the airport security line today and 
  it looks like the black on white print technology is getting "crisper" (or it 
  could be that I am needing to start wearing glasses- true sign of approaching 
  crone-ism) and am starting to use the medium size print option :-)
  I did find Bank's "Matter" on my recent set of downloads (saving it for a 
  particularly "blah" time, since it is always a good read).  Some of the 
  older things like "the day the earth stood still" and "flowers of Aulit 
  Prison" were good to find as they are re releasing some of those 
  One recent read question (blending threads)- finally tried my first 
  Pratchett book- Night Watch.  I found it to be "lighter" and a good brain 
  break, but I am not sure if there is any particular "order" to things.  
  Is there another book related to Vetinari?  
  Jeez, I guess I missed you guys with all the blathering on.  I am 
  always around lurking, but guess it has been too long.  

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