On 11/29/2012 9:16 PM, Dan Minette wrote:
  They convinced Uganda that using fertilizer and insecticides was bad.
That's why the crop yield is so low.  Little grows and the insects get most
of it.  The US, on the other hand, uses insecticides in cycles so it's hard
for the insects to develop immunity to several insecticides...what is
superior for one is inferior for the other.  And, farmland is now adding
topsoil with fertilizer and advanced techniques, and genetically modified
crops.  If we could get corn to fix nitrogen better, we'd be home free.
In fact, the other major sin of the Greens (in addition to being against nuclear power) is the opposition to genetically modified crops. I get the fact that Monsanto is the poster child for evil greed, but there really isn't any other way to feed the number of people we now have, let alone will soon have, without those high-yield crops.


Kevin B. O'Brien
A damsel with a dulcimer in a vision once I saw.


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