>Unfortunately, we already have surplus crop and other produce. In order to
keep the price up, 
>surplus is destroyed.

I goggled for that in the US, and it referred to this happening during the
Great Depression, when prices were so low during the deflationary era that
it wasn't worth the cost of bringing them to market.  Since then, farmers
have been paid to leave land fallow.  Lately, it's been much better.
Farmers are paid to plant land with the greatest risk for erosion with
grasses that are superior for soil retention.  That's one reason why, on US
farms, topsoil is increasing.  My stepfather in law grew up on his family
farm and farmed until he retired....and he's very familiar with how grains
are grown.

>Monsanto has proven that  genetically modified crop is dangerous. 

I've seen some extraordinary sketchy studies on this, but nothing
substantial. With 95% or so of the US eating food that has been genetically
modified, then we should see the effects with real science. I've checked the
latest study of organic food vs. non-organic, and absolutely no health
benefits were found with organic foods.  Yes, residue pesticides exist on
non-organic food, but the linear hypothesis is required to assume danger.
And, I drink to the great fellow who gave a beautiful illustration of the
problems with the linear hypothesis.

And, a friend of mine points out, India is self sufficient in food with > 2x
the population it had when starvation was epidemic.  He said that the person
who created a the short stalk grain hybrid saved the lives of many of his

>Yes, genetic modifications have a long history. Yup, "trial & error

Genes don't care how they are modified.

>My problem with Monsanto is that they not only sell the crop, but also
poison which kills every living >thing (except their genetically modified

The poison you talk about is roundup.  And, yes, if I drank a bottle of it,
I'd probably be sick.  But, I've used it on weeds.  Spray it on grass, and
the grass dies, but spray it on weeds 3 inches from grass, and the small
amount that gets on the grass doesn't hurt it.  If Roundup were that bad,
wouldn't we see the effects on the laws of folks who use it, on the animal
life in the area, etc?  

Dan M. 


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