--- The Fool said:
> How do you _live_ with yourself supporting the side
> that committed
> numerous act of TREASON against the U.S.?  Reagan
> and his cronies
> deserved to be hanged for their high crimes and
> treason.

Ouch!  Too far...  too partisan.

I never thought I'd live to see a day when I would
call the Reagan era "halcyon" but at least it was a
mixed bag and some were "conservatives" in the older
meaning of the word.  Unlike this crowd.

James Watt was a mere hint at the warping of science
in the service of religious fanaticism that is now
taking place.  The S&L scandal was midget compared to
the trillion dollars being stolen from our kids as we

True, Reagan gambled with all our lives, pushing the
Soviets to the brink of war.  Had we not lucked out in
a dozen ways, we might all have fried.

But his gamble worked.  He accelerated Marshall's
program by a decade and the wall came down.  If the
right wing wants to give him all the credit...
forgetign who designed the plan in the first place...
let em.  They want to put him on the $10 bill and
paint his face on the moon.  Idolatry.  But I see more
important things to object to.

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