----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gary Denton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2004 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: Brin: the new Bush ad : I don't see any morphing...

> Give any cites for Michael Moore wanting soldiers dead.  When you make
> libelous statements like that I want to see lot's of evidence.
> Michael's lawyer might want to see it too.

I wanted to ask Gautam about this, but I might as well jump in here.  My
memory of the quote in question is that he was stating that this war will
cost "a lot" of American blood; that we will have to see as many Americans
die as Iraqis due to our unjust war of aggression.  I read it in terms of
some sorta karmic balance; but I can see how it would be open to
mis-interpretation.  It's a fine line between insinuating that America
deserves to see her own sons and daughters die because she sent them to
oppress the people of Iraq and that he wants those soldiers to die

My most favorable interpretation of what he said would be that he was far
too careless with loaded words.
I haven't seen the movie because I'm not really that interested in a
leftist Rush.  But, reviews and the comments of those who have seen the
film have indicated that he has portrayed the soldiers and their families
favorably.  So, I really don't think he is pulling for Americans to die.
It would be more like a false prophet who wrongly proclaims the judgment of
the Lord on the United States for its sinful actions.

As you know, I didn't favor the war; but I didn't oppose it because it was
inherently wrong.  I was against it because I thought that the cost would
outweigh the benefits.

Dan M.


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