> Gautam Mukunda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here we have exactly why I'm not a Democrat. 
> Moore has expressed his desire that Americans in
> Iraq
> _die_.  He has said he _wants that to happen_.  The
> time when he made that statement was one when I was
> virtually certain that I was going to be one of
> those Americans, so I took it rather personally...
>...I still might be going to Iraq later this
> summer, in which case I guess he _still_ wants me to
> die.  Judging by this list, that wouldn't bother
> most of the people on it.  

I'm not sure whether to <roll eyes and massive snort>,
<play a tiny violin>, or give you a <virtual smack>
and snap "Oh, come off it!!!!"  So I'll toss them all
in.  That latter statement especially is 
a) utterly ludicrous
b) whiningly sophomoric  
c) incredibly insulting
d) all of the above

Take your pick.

I realize that the Northeastern style in
confrontational debate is much too "in yer face" and
hyperbolic for my taste, but I'm not going to give you
a pass when you say something so _totally_ off-base,
snipe that those who disagrees with you are
traitorously unpatriotic, or accuse others (who
disagree with you) of launching personal attacks when,
as somebody recently posted, "pot: meet kettle!"

And do not make the mistake of assuming that I support
MM - I don't like propaganda of any stripe, and danged
well ain't gonna _pay_ to go see it.  <lip curl>

That direct enough for you?  <tiny, amused smile>

Cast Iron Frying Pan Herself Maru

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