> I wanted to ask Gautam about this, but I might as
> well jump in here.  My
> memory of the quote in question is that he was
> stating that this war will
> cost "a lot" of American blood; that we will have to
> see as many Americans
> die as Iraqis due to our unjust war of aggression. 
> I read it in terms of
> some sorta karmic balance; but I can see how it
> would be open to
> mis-interpretation.  It's a fine line between
> insinuating that America
> deserves to see her own sons and daughters die
> because she sent them to
> oppress the people of Iraq and that he wants those
> soldiers to die
> individually.

Neither interpretation sounds true.  Far more likely
is a sigh that it will probably take oceans of blood
before we awaken enough to stop the tragedy.

Compare this to G Gordon Liddy howling that listeners
shoot shoot in the eye any federal agent they find
snooping around, with or without a warrant.

I Guffawed.  This from a former federal agent break in
artist burglar!    If only his advice had been
followed re him.

Oh, don't sweat it, Gautam.  The american people did
NOT elect Bush in 2000.  A majority rejected him and
his values.  Yet the left assured that he got in.

Don't worry, the far left won't let you down.  They'll
do it again.

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