Lifting my head above the Britdisc parapet for just a few moments

This is in response to concerns on renewing UKU fees & perceived lack of
value for money (& before Adam starts ranting)

- Tom, Simon.. 

You will see from the last newsletter you received, an account of income
& expenditure from the UKU Treasurer. You'll find that none of your fee
has been squandered or misused in anyway. 

This association is in its infancy, you might say embryonic stage.  The
patience & support of the majority of UKU members is greatly
appreciated. Offers of car stickers et al in the first year have
probably proved too ambitious. You'll find that those applying to 'run'
the association this year are very committed to addressing communication
issues & others that your recent emails has identified. These are likely
to be brought up as soon as the new board arranges its first meeting. 

RE: Renewing membership

A welcome letter & membership card will be issued once your 2003
subscription fees are received. (Assuming I don't have to spend the next
fortnight fielding comments on Britdisc)  This letter contains info on
personal accident insurance.

UKU has a small no. of highly talented web designers, most of whom are
extremely busy running their own companies & give their time voluntarily
to design & update our site. The UKU 'team' is aware more info. such as
insurance details, need to be on the site & when the 2003 directors are
in place, items such as this will be addressed.

RE: Total lack of any information 

It's the Secretary's role to communicate with the membership. The UKU
Board will agree & has acknowledged that there has been a failing in
this area. The role of Secretary is one which I may be taking on shortly
(as requested by the acting chair). If this is the case I will endeavour
to communicate as fully as poss, yes, via the newsletters,  via team
contacts (hence the need to keep email addresses up to date) also via
Britdisc & as instructed by the UKU Chair/committee. 

RE: Board Elections

Info is being sorted on the website, should be possible to see info on
those standing & how to vote in the next few days. There have been a few
problems getting this sorted, hence the delay.

RE: Deadlines for fees:

Yes these are very tight for Indoors, however many players have sent
cheques off as a team to ensure this is done efficiently.
Acknowledgements to follow shortly. 
Final Deadline for those playing Outdoors : 01 April 

I am not able to address all the issues you raised, nor is it
necessarily my place to do so, however I hope this sheds some light...

It's a shame Simon that you're too busy, sounds like you have loads of


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