
I empathise with you all about the chaos of the end of last year and the
start of this year.

BUT lets just set some facts straight.

1. You all through apathy or intent voted out the old BUF and voted in the
UKU being fully aware of the cost implications and how those funds raises
were, in theory, going to be used. It was openly and publically campaigned
for before and was voted in at an AGM / EGM of the BUF. (Anyone claiming to
be unaware of the implications at the time please do not enter into this
discussion because you certainly will not recieve any of my time as those of
you who cannot be bothered aren't worth the effort! Obvious exceptions
accepted). Don't forget - if you want sympathy, phone your mother!

2. The old BUF was not sustainable as there was too little funding and too
much work to be wholly reliant on volunteers.The UKU has some meager funding
and should, over the first couple of years, be looking to maintain somewhere
near the status quo as it takes time for inertia to build to move things

3. First year = learning year. Over the first year we had numerous new
issues to deal with on the playing side - complaints about coed, about
players Tour eligibility and the moving of players between teams, players
conduct on and off the field etc. These took up an enormous amount of time
for the Chairman of the association, Ben Ravilious and others. This coupled
with the effort to drive on the UKU with our juniors going to Latvia etc
undoubtedly cost the Chairman far too much time and his business definitely
suffered (as mine is now!) hence his resignation earlier this year. I
personally give my heartfelt thanks to Ben for his enormous effort, vision
and plain hard work in getting this going!

The current difficulties come from the fact that the Chairman ceased doing
his job from about September last year, unbeknown to the UKU Board. Coupled
with this the DoC, Si Weeks after completing his year as "Ronseal man" was
unable to continue (He did exactly what he said in his manifesto in his year
in power - didn't change anything, avoided decisions, left the following
year vague to give the new DoC full reign for the changes which the Tour
system so obviously needs, kept things ticking along, gave Chris Hughes a
much needed year off).

Within the remit of the Chairman is the duty to ensure elections take place.
The UKU Board did not elect a Vice Chairman (hands up - I should know
better) or a Vice DoC. Shock, horror - the BUF didn't have such posts
either! This meant no elections, hence a power void, our administrator left
stranded without instruction and a pretty ineffective inane board. Therefore
nothing happened.

I proposed Chris Hughes to be Acting DoC in December when it became clear
that we were in trouble with the coming seasons events. Due to his mandate
being internal he felt that the sweeping changes he wanted to make were
inappropriate and so has attempted to run a holding year much as last year.
He took up his post in January and earnestly hope he will recieve everyones
support in the upcoming elections. The diary was vague for the very good
reasons previously stated and Chris has been trying to firm them up as
WORK. So don't give him a hard time unless you are willing to try and do

Now the UKU Board. Yep, you have every right to criticise. The number of
replies and interest shown by the current board in discussion is beyond
dispicable. Sorry, but if you weren't willing to be shamed you shouldn't
have stood or should have done some work! I am Acting Chairman of the UKU on
the vote of 3 of my colleagues! Yes only 3. We currently have 11 UKU
directors if you include Ben!
Wayne Davey
Barry O'Kane
Pete Harvey
Laura Pearce
and obviously Ben and Chris
Well done. You have been active and involved.
The rest of the board ....
Well thats my opinion and everyone knows how mildly spoken and how
reasonable I am!

Since my coup, I have been working continually with NJ and the team to
ensure elections, tournaments, last years decisions and general normal
business occur.
Please note NJ's mail for details of much of what is going on.

simon.johnson whoever you are!
5 minutes.
Thats all.
Can't understand why we are so incompetent that it hasn't been done.
Best you call your mother for sympathy or.... why dont you just do that one
simple thing for the UKU and Ultimate.
Surely you can spare 5 minutes...

Prices have increased dramatically in the last x years. Mmmmm. Well
personally I have organised tournaments since 1982. Its always the same
people who organise tournaments with the enormous majority happy to do
nothing but turn up and play. Oh and moan if things aren't quite as they
want and how expensive everything is!
I run tournaments for profit. My time is valuable and I already give
enormous chunks of it free to organisations such as this.
If you want cheaper tournaments get off you behind and organise them
yourself and price it how you think is proper and appropriate, and put your
money where your mouth is. If people want to run cheaper tournies then
great - because personally I'm not as short of the cash as I am of the time!
I suggest that if you want to do it next year then organise your bid now and
lodge it with the DoC.

If you think the UKU should be doing something different then STAND UP AND
BE COUNTED. Do it by doing, not by negatively whinging on Britdisc. If you
think things need changing then stand for the board, get yourself elected
and change them.

Rant over.

One of the positive things that was produced last year was the "Disciplinary
Committee" (not sure about the name ;-) ) which has been formed to deal with
various rule appeals, rostering issues, conduct of players and teams on and
off the field etc to ensure that the new Chairman and DoC will not be
burried in time consuming minutae. The full remitt of this committee,
appeals procedures etc will be circulated in the near future.

Lastly, a quick word about the indoors registration / rostering problem.
Chris will no doubt make a full anouncement but the principal should be that
if you play for one team in the competition then you can't play for another,
but if you are rostered for the wrong team and have changed at short notice
due to event cancellations then as long as you adhere to the playing for the
same team in both events then I can't forsee a problem. (Famous last

I hope this has answered some of your queries and has assured you of the
good intent of the board of the UKU. I also hope that this might inspire
some of the malcontents to do something about it and come and join the board
to take things forward.

Adam Batchelor
Acting Chairman UKU
Raving meglomaniac
Druids #1

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