Yes, well spotted. We have always had a contract in place and I'm not sure
I'd consider undertaking the running of such an event without one.

Admittedly every year that BritOpen was at The Saffrons, they broke the
contract in some way, but it was too involved to take legal action etc etc
and invariably it was something minor or that had to be resolved there and
then or it was too late.

Since then, we have moved to The Sports Park. Last year, 5 days before the
event, our Director of Tourism (Who I'm not afraid of going on record as
describing an arrogant buffoon), decided that the event could not go ahead.
I took legal advice, which was effectively that I had two daunting options
that I won't bother going into. I then approached the head of our council
and said words to the effect of... 'Your Director of Tourism tells me he is
going to break this contract (waving it under said person's nose). Now are
you as a democratically elected leader going to condone this. The D of T
says he doesn't care about legal action as the Council is insured against
that, but I reckon you need to act if you wish to retain any

It did the trick and the leader of the Council even ordered the D of T to
add the full weight of his publicity machine to the event.


> Do any other TDs get venues to sign contracts? I'd be most interested to
> know (I'd also guess that the BritOpen is probably the most likely... It's
> generally the best organised domestic event I've ever attended)

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