hi all,  

this is, unfortunately, just a heads up rather than an
official   announcement/notification of the event...  

for anyone wondering why Sheffield Beginners 2004 has
not been   added to the UkUltimate events board as
yet, it is because i am still   waiting to confirm a
venue - our usual venue at Concorde Sports   Centre is
being refubished until January, and is therefore  

I am in the process  of trying to finalise a venue at
the moment and   hope to be able to offically annouce
the tournement ASAP.   

Whatever venue will be eventually used, its is fairly
certain that   Sheffield Beginners will take place on
the weekend of October   23rd/24th (cunningly placed
so it wont clash with Lougborough or   Edinburgh
begininers ;-) Please pencil this date into your

Sheffield Beginners usually follows the format of a
16-team   Beginners tournement with an 8-team
Experienced mini-  tournement side-by-side, though 
due to possible picth-constraints   this year it may
be that the Experienced mini-tournement will have   to
be dropped in favour of a coaches demo-game/s.   

Sheffield Beginners caters primarily for University
teams, but any   teams are welcome, as long as they
meet the criteria-   

a "Beginners" team may only field one experienced
player on the   pitch at any one time, playing
alongside four beginners in a   coaching role. (The
experienced player may therefore not score   points
but may assist)  

A Beginner is classed as anyone who has played for
LESS than a   total of 3 months - any more than 3
months and that player then   becomes Expereinced.  

Experienced teams, for the possible mini-tournement,
can field   anyone of any standard.  

I would like to get an indicator of the expected level
of attendance   so that i can start organising other
details while i wait for venue-  confirmation, so if
any teams are interested, either in the Beginners   or
Experienced catgeory , then please email me at both
the addresses below, as my access to the club emails
during vacation periods is limited:   

Sheffield University Phat 'Eds club address:  


AND at my personal address:  


thanks all,   

sorry for the delay in updating you all,  

and sorry to those this does not apply to.  

Tom Howard  

Phat 'Eds Club-Captain 

Visit our website at www.shef.ac.uk/~ultimate

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