I like the bagging theme, too. As one more thought, maybe the client
could just be "bag" as well? It's a verb too. :)

On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 10:54 -0700, you wrote:

> >     - boxer, boxes (sort of already taken by Broala's BroBox)
> >     - bundler, bundles (though seems like Ruby has taken this name)
> >     - bagger/bagboy, bags (also has the association w/ eye bags)
> >     - tempest, drops (eye of the storm, rain drops, eye drops... the tears 
> > of those trapped in dependency-hell?)
> Of those, I like "bag" the best to represent a package that can be a
> "mixed bag" of scripts and compiled code. My second vote goes for
> "bundle," which is also something quite intuitive for a package. The
> remaining ones take a bit more think time (at least for me) to map to
> something package related.
> > I favor “bagger” or “bagboy” along with “bags”.  
> I did not get the "bagger" and "bagboy" variations until I googled it,
> probably because I'm not a native speaker. However, I like the grocery
> bag association, that one stuck immediately. We could have a shopping
> "cart" as well, to represent a collection of bags. The grocery store
> theme works really well, in my opinion. 
>     Matthias
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