> On Jun 1, 2016, at 5:30 PM, Slagell, Adam J <slag...@illinois.edu> wrote:
> These are variants of #1, which I now substitute with bro-pkg

Related to “pkg” or “package” naming: if that terminology gets used, what would 
be done about the classic/existing usage of the term “package” within Bro?

“Package” is currently used to refer to any collection of Bro scripts within a 
common directory.  Just scripts, nothing else.  Meaning a “package”, as it 
exists now, isn’t something that the new "package manager” would know how to 
deal with.

I don’t think it’s a good idea to let the term be overloaded in the 
documentation and possibly internal naming conventions in Bro code.  Not that 
it can’t be changed, but just wondering if it’s already been decided that 
making those changes would not be a big deal.

- Jon

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