
Altså det skulle jo gerne fremgå af beskrivelsen af gæren - hvis ikke din pusher har dette info liggende kan du jo altid gå ind på den respektive fabrikants hjemmeside og læse mere om de forskellige gære.

Her er din London-gær: http://www.wyeastlab.com/hb_yeaststrain_detail.cfm?ID=4


-----Oprindelig meddelelse----- From: Heikki Levanto
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 1:38 PM
To: RenéPaulsen
Cc: brygfo...@haandbryg.dk
Subject: Re: [Brygforum] Hvilken gær?

On Fri, May 06, 2011 at 12:57:41PM +0200, René Paulsen wrote:
Derfor: hvordan finder man ud af hvilken gær man skal bruge? (bare sådan

I take a quick look at the style of beer I am making, and carefully select
a suitable yeast based on what I know of the various yeasts, how they
behave and what kind of flavors they contribute with. Finally I look in
my fridge, see I only have one kind of dry yeast available, and use that.

Jeg tog chancen og bestilte en 1028 Wyeast London Ale (det skal være en

Ifølge BeerCalc er OG: 1046, og BG 1958. Kan ovenstående gær da bruges?

Of course! You ought to make a started for the liquid yeasts, but people
have managed to skip that, and still make

  beer anyway


Heikki Levanto   "In Murphy We Turst"     heikki (at) lsd (dot) dk

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