Some people said that two hundred died in the Square and others
claimed that two thousand died. There were also stories of tanks
running over students who were trying to leave. I have to say that I
did not see any of that. I don't know where those people did. I myself
was in the Square until six-thirty in the morning.

I kept thinking, are we going to use lies to attack an enemy who lies?
Aren't facts powerful enough? To tell lies against our enemy's lies
only satisfies our need to vent our anger, but it's a dangerous thing
to do. Maybe your lies will be exposed, and you'll be powerless to
fight your enemy. 


Hou Dejian, saksi hidup peristiwa Tian An Men. Salah satu tokoh
pimpinan dalam peristiwa itu. Dia seorang artis yang terkenal dengan
lagu Long De Chuan Ren. Status sekarang masih buronan PRC.

Pernyataannya dikutip dari dokumenter The Gate of Heavenly Peace yang
dibuat oleh pihak non PRC didukung dengan dana dari Ford dan
Rockefeller foundation. Film ini termasuk film haram di PRC.

Saya ulang lagi pernyataannya, tolong dicatat dalam hati.

"I kept thinking, are we going to use lies to attack an enemy who
lies? Aren't facts powerful enough? To tell lies against our enemy's
lies only satisfies our need to vent our anger, but it's a dangerous
thing to do. Maybe your lies will be exposed, and you'll be powerless
to fight your enemy."

Hormat saya,


--- In budaya_tionghua@yahoogroups.com, "Lim Seng Goan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Apakah penggilingan mahasiswa dilapangan tiananmen oleh tank itu
rekayasa ?
> -------Original Message-------
> From: budaya_tionghua@yahoogroups.com
> Date: 12/04/08 18:04:31
> To: budaya_tionghua@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: RE: [budaya_tionghua] Re: Tuhan Melindungi Bangsa Tionghoa
- Tuhan
> Akan Membuat Perhitungan Dgn PKC
> Sama aja dah pertanyaannya, apakah anda atau praktisi FLG disini
pernah liat
> secara lsg segala claim kekejaman PKC terhadap FLG atau cuma kata
sesiung n
> semei n buku2 serta video yg sudah terbukti diedit? Klo engga pernah
yah jgn
> propaganda kekejaman PKC tp jualan ilmu FLG secara normal tanpa
> n fitnah pihak laen tentu lebih laku.

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