This mail could probably be considered a followup to this thread introduced by Rolf Vandevaart from Sun back in Jan 2009:

Short version:

Is there any chance that an AC_CXX_RESTRICT macro will ever come into existence, and/or the output from AC_C_RESTRICT will become safe for both C/C++? Specifically, Open MPI uses the "restrict" keyword in a header file that is included in both C and C++ source code; we now have a problem if the support for "restrict" is different between the C and C++ compiler.

More details:

As Rolf noted in the earlier thread, the Sun compiler suite has different support for "restrict" in its C and C++ compiler (i.e., the C compiler supports some "restrict"-like keywords, but the C++ compiler does not). I have been told that "restrict" is not defined in the C++ language, so I can understand the Sun compiler making this interpretation. We (the Open MPI project) have recently found another compiler that has different support for restrict in its C and C++ compilers: the PGI Linux compiler suite.

It seems that AC_C_RESTRICT can sometimes find "restrict" for the PGI C compiler, but it can sometimes find "__restrict". Both of these values work for the PGI C compiler, but only "__restrict" works for the PGI C++ compiler. The reasons for AC's difference in answers appear to do with the PGI C compiler installation and the version of the GCC/glibc installed, distro/version, ...etc. I didn't delve too deeply to figure out why this happened. See the thread starting here for more details:

This causes a problem for us because Open MPI has a C header file that uses "restrict" and relies on AC_C_RESTRICT to do the Right Thing. Across all of our C source code, this works great. When this header file is included in C++ source code, bad things *may* happen -- by what Rolf noted, and now if AC_C_RESTRICT chose "restrict" instead of "__restrict".

Rolf solved the problem by putting a hackaround in for the Sun compiler. But now that there's a second compiler suite that falls into the same category as the Sun compiler, I'm wondering if Autoconf shouldn't try to address this issue...? E.g.:

- should there be an AC_CXX_RESTRICT test? E.g., perhaps the output of AC_C_RESTRICT and AC_CXX_RESTRICT tests would be protected with appropriate #if's that determine if you're compiling in C or C++. - Or should there be a new AC_RESTRICT test that makes a solution for both the C and C++ compilers?
- Or ...?

(please reply all so that the others CC'ed on this post also see the followups; thanks!)

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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