Upon further inspection, what Andreas pointed out is actually what I need.
Just to close the loop on everything...

It looks like Ruby does support execution with and without a shell:

The reasoning for using two programming languages is that sometimes it is
easier to accomplish things in Ruby and sometimes it is easier to
accomplish things in a shell. Providing the user the option to implement
something via shell or via Ruby allows for maximum flexibility and utility.

Regarding, posix compliance, I was specifically asking about whether the
following code could be expected to be supported by any POSIX-compliant

command=$(cat <<'MAGIC_WORD'
tmux send-keys -t %1 q C-u "$command" C-m

Not sure if this is the canonical POSIX shell reference:
but it appears that the quoted here-doc and command substitution are shell
features defined by the POSIX standard.

Thank you very much for your help.

-- Patrick

On Fri, Nov 1, 2019 at 3:44 PM Eli Schwartz <eschwa...@archlinux.org> wrote:

> On 11/1/19 3:57 PM, Patrick Blesi wrote:
> > The actual use case is taking a command from a Ruby script:
> >
> >
> https://github.com/braintree/runbook/blob/4a0f0770a8a2a7be135cf13ee435d981b5975a06/lib/runbook/helpers/tmux_helper.rb#L23
> >
> > `tmux send-keys -t #{target} #{_pager_escape_sequence} '#{command}' C-m`
> >
> > The user specifies the command they want to run as a Ruby string and it
> > gets interpolated into the above string and then executed (The backticks
> in
> > Ruby invoke the command in a subprocess and return the output as a
> string,
> > #{} is string interpolation). As you can see, if the user-specified
> command
> > has a single quote, it will break this command unless escaped.
> I don't know about ruby.
> I know that in, say, python, the subprocess module can take an array
> with a command executable and its arguments, and execute it using the
> exec() family of functions.
> You can optionally request that the subprocess module do its execution
> via a shell, just like system() does, but it's generally not exactly
> recommended.
> Have you considered rewriting your ruby program to not use vulnerable
> methods of executing subprocesses? Given that ruby is, presumably, a
> powerful programming language, I don't understand why you would want to
> write a program that now uses *two* programming languages:
> - ruby
> - /bin/sh
> when you could do all your work in ruby.
> If you absolutely require using shell syntax in your subprocess for
> inexplicable reasons, you can use the shell syntax embedded within this
> pseudocode, which would be executed using the exec() family of functions:
> {'sh', '-c', 'do_things "$1"', '_', 'argv_containing_user_input'}
> given sh is being passed an argument without introducing a shell, and
> that argument is assigned to the shell variable $1, that argument can be
> defined and passed to exec() containing anything which ruby wants to put
> there.
> Safely.
> > I think doing something like this should serve my needs:
> >
> >   `
> >   command=$(cat <<'MAGIC_WORD'
> >   #{command}
> >   )
> >   tmux send-keys -t #{target} #{_pager_escape_sequence} "$command" C-m
> >   `
> > So that no single quote escaping is required. The non-valid input for the
> > command would be MAGIC_WORD. Do you know if this command is POSIX
> > compliant/supported by a large number of shells? Is is supported by the
> > bourne shell?
> Is what command POSIX compliant?
> - The one you're proposing be added, right now, to bash and bash alone?
> - tmux?
> - cat with quoted delimiter tokens?
> --
> Eli Schwartz
> Arch Linux Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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