On 11/2/19 12:27 PM, Patrick Blesi wrote:
> Upon further inspection, what Andreas pointed out is actually what I need.
> Just to close the loop on everything...
> It looks like Ruby does support execution with and without a shell:
> https://apidock.com/ruby/Kernel/system.
> The reasoning for using two programming languages is that sometimes it is
> easier to accomplish things in Ruby and sometimes it is easier to
> accomplish things in a shell. Providing the user the option to implement
> something via shell or via Ruby allows for maximum flexibility and utility.
What features of a shell are you using here? The only shell code which
you are running is:

tmux send-keys -t %1 q C-u "$command" C-m

This uses no shell syntax -- no if/while/for loops, word splitting, no
pipes, no shell builtin utilities, no process substitution, no
arithmetic expansion, and no tilde expansion. The only thing it uses is
variable expansion, but that is because you're using lots of additional
shell goop to insert a complex command into a shell variable in order to
do quotation magic for $command, instead of passing it via argv.

I am certainly not going to claim that it's wrong for ruby to include a
system() analogue. :/ I'm not even going to claim that it's wrong to
seek ways to handle single quotes in ruby's system() analogue, even
though I think it probably makes a lot more sense to use a shellescape
library for that. (General rule of thumb for shellescaping strings:
replace every instance of a single quote with the four-character
sequence: '\'' and then single-quote the whole thing. Single quotes
suppress interpretation of everything other than single quotes, and for
the single quotes themselves, you temporarily leave the quoting context
and use a backslash-escaped single quote.)

What I am going to claim is that you're incorrect for thinking you must
use a shell in the first place. Save your escaping tricks for cases
where you actually require interpreting your command in a shell, and for
this case here, use an exec. It's not just about security, which you've
already stated is not about being secured. It's not just about avoiding
erroneous handling, since your tremendous hack "probably" works, and
shellescape routines work somewhat more reliably, so avoiding erroneous
handling can be done.

It's also about efficiency: you're randomly introducing a shell in order
to run your subprocess, even though you don't need a shell at all, and
as a result your program runs slower, because it proxies subprocesses
through additional helper processes (in this case the shell).

Why are you going through convoluted, non-intuitive steps in order to
take a ruby variable and pass it as one of a series of arguments to the
"tmux" subprocess by first converting it to a shell variable using dark
sorcery and doing the passing of arguments in shell code?

Moreover since not only do you not want to interpret the user-provided
input as shell metacharacters, but you don't even want to use shell
metacharacters in your hardcoded component either.

Eli Schwartz
Arch Linux Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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