
Philippe Michel <philippe.mich...@free.fr> writes:
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2024 at 05:17:06AM +0900, TAKAHASHI Kaoru wrote:
>> I found bug at Crawford checkbox (at `show marketwindow').
>> <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?65639>
>> Might be better to merge after 1.08.003 release as it has not been
>> tested enough.
> I will comment here rather than in the savannah bug tracker since list 
> readers may want to get involved.
> Tha patch fixes inconsistencies between the score, the possible cube 
> values and the Crawford game checkbox, but the latter doesn't really 
> make sense in this part of the UI: if the cube is not usable there is no 
> market window to investigate.
> The values displayed are at the post-Crawford score anyway. I would 
> simply remove the checkbox. On the other hand, the non-greyed-out cube 
> values are currently inaccurate (a little overextended).
> For instance if one player is at a 1-away score, the only useful cube 
> value is 1 (it could be at 2, but then it would be owned by the 1-away 
> player who will not consider doubling).

If it were only for the marketwindow, I would be rather in favor of
removing the checkboxes too.

However, if the `gammon value' tab is used by beginners, it might be
better to have the checkbox.  Because, expert player knows that the
gammon-value does not change Crawford or post-Crawford centered cube,
but a beginner may not.


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