On 4/21/2024 7:54 AM, Philippe Michel wrote:
On Fri, Apr 19, 2024 at 01:55:05AM -0600, Murat K wrote:

It looks like most releases for many years (even
decades) offered only GUI improvements and bug
fixes. Can you tell me when was the last release
that actually offered stronger play?

It was release 1.00 (and, yes, it was as far back as 2013).

Aha! That's when it must have started cheating... ;)

Eleven years is just too long for a bot to go without
any skill improvement. We all really need and deserve
better. Come on gang, let's make an effort. I will be
glad to contribute my part.

The one prior to 1.00 that I have is 0.15 from 2006.

Were there really nothing for seven years in between
until 2013? Even so, eleven years since then is ten
times worse considering that knowledge and technology
grows exponentially. :(

The reason I asked, is because I wondered if I should
run some of my experiment against a pre-1.00 version.

I don't even know why or how it would help but I just
love to ask questions and do experiments, just to see
if something will explode! :)

I think my hand grenades already have done considerable
damage to your so-called "cube skill theory", even if
you all are in denial of it, but I think I have bigger
bombs coming up real soon...


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