asleepyet wrote:

"everyone = me?"  me me or you me? please clarify.

I meant me but now I'm not the only one...

-but they all fail to mention the important details like how extremely slow
it is

I'm sure they would welcome your expert engineering skills if you'd like to
join the project.

it's just a network?

yes, designed for anonymity based somewhat on the idea of the old email

build your own?

Caleb DeLisle did. Have a look at cjdns.

don't get mad at me but I can not in good faith believe you have ever used
TOR before.

I have had to use it in the past for research but not on a daily basis.

TOR strongly advises against making any changes to your TOR browser

You are confusing the network project with the browser project. It's like
assuming Firefox is the Internet.

Please do a search "TOR compromised" "person sent to jail TOR" "TOR exit
nodes compromised" and feel free to be surprised by the results.

Actually, it was only once & the court let the FBI not disclose their
methods. I do follow these things because it's my job to do so.

It's important to use a good browser on a good operating system because
using a good browser on a bad operating system is the same if not worse
(because of the added false sense of security) as using as bad browser on a
bad operating system.

Your contributions to OS & application architecture has been invaluable.
Your employer & colleagues must be very proud.

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