Follow-up Comment #2, bug#65189 (group groff):

Hi Branden,

thank you for your very informative reply and the workaround.

Sorry that I forgot to mention it: groff-1.23.0 is what I am using here.

Because I wondered why man(1) has no problems in formatting the attached
lsp-help.1 whereas

$ nroff -t -man lsp-help.broken.1

has, I had a closer look and here on my system (Gentoo) nroff(1) is called
with *-mandoc*.
Depending on the current size of the terminal more options are used, e.g.:

nroff -mandoc -c -rLL=143n -rLT=143n -Tutf8

I now noticed that for some sizes everything is OK and for others the problems

I mention this, because I had a look at the discussion in bug #65190
mentioning a patch for *an.tmac* but not *andoc.tmac*.

I tried your suggested workaround and it works here.

I will try to follow all the discussions, because at least I learn a lot from




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