Follow-up Comment #3, bug#65189 (group groff):

Hi Dirk,

[comment #2 comment #2:]
> Sorry that I forgot to mention it: groff-1.23.0 is what I am using
> here.

Thanks for confirming that.  The problem you describe goes way back. :-O

> Because I wondered why man(1) has no problems in formatting the
> attached lsp-help.1 whereas

> $ nroff -t -man lsp-help.broken.1

> has, I had a closer look and here on my system (Gentoo) nroff(1) is
> called with *-mandoc*.  Depending on the current size of the terminal
> more options are used, e.g.:

> nroff -mandoc -c -rLL=143n -rLT=143n -Tutf8

> I now noticed that for some sizes everything is OK and for others the
> problems arise.
> I mention this, because I had a look at the discussion in bug #65190
> mentioning a patch for *an.tmac* but not *andoc.tmac*.

The "-mandoc" argument is a red herring in this case; what matters is
configuration of the terminal width, something man-db man(1) does

"andoc.tmac" is an unlikely site to patch for this problem.

See the "Files" section of groff_man(7):

              This brief groff program detects whether the man or mdoc
              macro package is being used by a document and loads the
              correct macro definitions, taking advantage of the fact
              that pages using them must call .TH or .Dd, respectively,
              before any other macros.  A man program or user typing,
              for example, “groff -mandoc page.1”, need not know which
              package the file page.1 uses.  Multiple man pages, in
              either format, can be handled; andoc reloads each macro
              package as necessary.

> I tried your suggested workaround and it works here.

Glad to hear it!

> I will try to follow all the discussions, because at least I learn a
> lot from it.

If you have any questions about anything to do with groff, please feel
free to post them to the groff at gnu dot org mailing list.



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