From: Per Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Graphics mode support
Date: 24 Nov 1999 09:45:52 +0100

> 1) Let the user specify a mode number to pass on to the VESA BIOS
> (ugly, but easy to implement).
> 2) Let the user specify the resolution desired. For example,
> resolution=640x480x256. Much cleaner, and will be more compatible with
> other platforms. Besides, if the mode number changes, the user doesn't
> have to change anything.

  I'm afraid that neither method allows an OS to select a graphics
mode. Suppose the following situations:

1) An operating system wants to use a fixed resolution, because it
does not support font resizing.

2) An operating system rejects any depth but 8bits, because supporting
multiple patterns of color bits is complicated.

It is possible to just emit an error and reboot whenever the OS does
not like current mode, though.
OKUJI Yoshinori  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           ^o-o^ (in English)     m /

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