From: "Forever shall I be." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Suggestion...
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 04:44:04 -0600 (CST)

> suggesting giving GRUB the ability to load another MBR).. When
> I try to tell GRUB to just do a chainloader on (hd2,0)+1, it
> simply locks (I'm assuming the win95 MBR passes some extra info
> to the win95 boot sector)..  Here's my current (non-function)
> GRUB config for booting to windows, in case I'm doing something
> very very wrong...

  That's because Windows's boot loader does not allow you to boot it
from any non-first hard disk drive, like DOS. So this phenomenon is
not due to GRUB, but we give you the command "map" to change your
BIOS drive order virtually as the "map-drive" directive in LILO, if
you are using the latest version of GRUB.

  Thus I recommend you to check out the current version from the CVS
and test the command "map".

OKUJI Yoshinori  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           ^o-o^ (in English)     m /

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