From: Neil Jerram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: 08 Mar 2002 23:53:35 +0000

   I'd say it's a bug, and that it would be better to squash it now than
   to support strange expectations through 1.6.x.

it's also a bug in the sense that side-effects on load (except for
`define') are usually considered antithetical to clean modular design,
especially since the module system does not (and might never) support
"instantiable modules".  this would be a good check to add to the

on the other hand, loading modules serves to extend the basic system in
other ways (e.g., syntax), so it might seem natural in a similar fashion
to piggyback turning on the debugging evaluator when loading (ice-9

in the long run, the stability of a bad design rarely outweighs the
temporary instability that changing it to a good design entails, in
terms of both user and maintainer satisfaction.  (however, there are
always exceptions; see Unix. ;-)


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