Neil Jerram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >>>>> "Marius" == Marius Vollmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Marius> Neil Jerram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     >> This bug has been fixed in unstable CVS, by removing the lines at the
>     >> end of (ice-9 debug) that unconditionally enable debugging.  Is there
>     >> any reason why we shouldn't fix it in the same way on the stable
>     >> branch?
>     Marius> This change would be too far reaching for a supposedly
>     Marius> stable program.  Debugging wouldn't be turned on when
>     Marius> people expect it.
> I'm not convinced.  How can people be expecting debugging to be turned
> on after having explicitly said `(debug-disable 'debug)' in their
> .guile file?

Because Guile behaved like that for quite a while.

Ok, I thought about my general view of the stable branch situation,
and this came from it:

 We need to be much more rigorous about really keeping the stable
 branch stable.  From now on, only release critical fixes will be
 allowed.  I intend to be firm on this.  We are not getting anywhere
 without restraining us from putting new stuff into the stable branch.

I don't want to stop anyone from working on Guile, but I'd like to get
1.6 released fast.  This will help all of us.

See my posting to guile-devel.

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