>---------- Messaggio inoltrato ----------
>Da: Oliver Briede <o.bri...@web.de>
>Oggetto: Aw: Re: Several notation errors in bagpipe.ly
>Data: Sun, 7 Jun 2015 10:20:31 +0200
>A: Federico Bruni <f...@inventati.org>
>Cc: Julia Meihöfer <j.meihoe...@googlemail.com>
>Hello Federico,
>we attached the corrected bagpipe.ly version 2.19. All changes are
>commented with the introdutction "@JO".

Thank you for your careful work.

It's very convenient for review to have the old lines commented out and
the new lines added, along with a comment of why it's that way.

In terms of us modifying the version in the lilypond distribution, it
would be much easier to just have the file as it should be, with all of
the wrong items eliminated and the right items included.

Could you please prepare a copy of the file in that format?



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