"Pierre Perol-Schneider" <pierre.schneider.pa...@gmail.com> wrote in message news:caphotuwtxrmr97w5m2ajkt4sudvqdbd93tqudk0vfuogxh0...@mail.gmail.com...
I clearly understand what you mean.
Thing is that <<c4 d4 e4>> does not show what's on the picture (actually
the link says: \relative c' { \new Voice { <<c4 d4 e>> } } )
So I think it is not clear. Maybe this line should simply be deleted and
the next example should be:
\relative { f' <<c4 d4 e4>> } (or simply { << g'2 \\ { f'4 <<c'4 d'4 e'4>>
} >> } face to what the 'Music representation' starts with).


2016-07-22 15:40 GMT+02:00 James <p...@gnu.org>:


On 22/07/16 14:18, Pierre Perol-Schneider wrote:

Hi James,

Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Have you tried the snippet ? Have you seen the result ?

No but the online help is built using LilyPond (these are not static
images). So the result should be the same as what is shown in that link.

It should be written :

{ <c' d' e'>4 }

and not:

<<c4 d4 e4>>

Examples that follow should also be corrected.

Are you sure?



I think very early versions of LilyPond used << notes >> for chords, not < notes >. The earliest manual I can find online (1.6) has the latter notation, but it may be that the essay uses the early notation?

Phil Holmes

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