My Dear David,

At the time I started this thread I was 100% sure that you would answer
something like this. ;)
Well, let's try to see former version :, v2.14
says: "f4"
compare to, v2.19
says: "f'4"
Why's that?...

2016-07-22 16:28 GMT+02:00 David Kastrup <>:

> Pierre Perol-Schneider <> writes:
> > Hi James,
> >
> > Sorry for the misunderstanding.
> > Have you tried the snippet ? Have you seen the result ?
> >
> > It should be written :
> >
> > { <c' d' e'>4 }
> >
> > and not:
> >
> > <<c4 d4 e4>>
> >
> > Examples that follow should also be corrected.
> Well, "corrected" is a hard word: they work as written and intended.
> The main question I see here is how we should treat "Essay": as an
> authored essay that we only keep compilable, or as something where we
> actually want to keep the _content_ tracking best _current_ practices.
> Is it an Urtext or do we not just keep it playable on current
> instruments but rather let it make best use of the state of art?
> Bach has written keyboard works where keeping in spirit with the score
> has required contortions and approximations on contemporary instruments
> that became considerably more playable over time.  As opposed to
> historic LilyPond, historic players did not have the luxury of flatly
> stating "syntax error" or "colliding notecolumns cannot be resolved", so
> the historic essay had to make do with historic LilyPond rather than a
> hypothetical idealization.
> Should we ask the authors?  Or should we at least change that stuff
> where one would say, as a current-day user of LilyPond, "ew, what?"?
> --
> David Kastrup
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