On Mon, Mar 03, 2014 at 07:19:23 +0200, Sergey Poznyakoff wrote:
> Hi Nathan,
> > Just to be clear, version 1.27 did behave differently from the earlier
> > versions, and then 1.27.1 was released in order to change the behavior
> > back to match the earlier versions.
> Not quite so.  The bug you are referring to affected file names read
> from a file supplied with the -T option, not the ones listed in the
> command line.  The latter were handled as always.  To wit:

Ah right, thanks for that clarification.

Bastien's original post specifically mentioned a change between 1.27 and
1.27.1, so I wonder if the initial lintian breakage he experienced was
actually triggered by the change in -T behavior between those two

(But I don't know enough about lintian internals to know off hand if
-T actually does come into play...)

Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
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