> On Sun, Mar 02, 2014 at 12:55:34 +0100, Bastien ROUCARIES wrote:
>> Hi,
>> newer tar (1.27.1)has a serious regression compared to 1.27.
> On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 10:33:56 +0100, Bastien ROUCARIES wrote:
>> Yes they should be indeed treated literally. I use shell completion
>> and it is pretty natural to get the name as is.
> Can you give us more information about how tar is actually being called
> by lintian?  (I found Debian bug #740199, but it doesn't give any
> details about the actual tar command being used by the test or in what
> manner it's failing.)


(Please ensure I am CC'ed on replies as I am not subscribed to this list)

For the given tests, lintian does not build the tarball causing this
issue.  So it would "only" call tar in the following ways:

  dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile <deb-file> | tar tvf - | \
  sort -k 6 | gzip --best -c > index.gz

  dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile <deb-file> | tar --numeric-owner -tvf - | \
  sort -k 6 | gzip --best -c > index-ids.gz

  dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile <deb-file> | tar xf - -C unpacked

The tool building the relevant tar file (known as the "data.tar") would
be dpkg-deb.  I am not entirely sure, but I think [1] reflects the tar
command-line it uses, which would be:

  execlp(TAR, "tar", "-cf", "-", "--format=gnu", "--null", "-T", "-",
     "--no-recursion", NULL);

I guess that is where the (missing) "-T" appears that caused us headaches.

> Are you sure there was a change in behavior of the test between tar
> 1.27 and 1.27.1?

Yes. We experienced a behaviour change in 1.27 and we adapted the code
and tests accordingly (e.g. [2] and [3]).  Now we are seeing it change
again with 1.27.1.  For reference, tar 1.27 landed in Debian unstable

>  As mentioned earlier in this thread, the unquoting
> behavior of file names mentioned in a -T file did change between those
> two versions, but the behavior for filenames specified on the command
> line shouldn't have changed...  (And even for -T, the behavior in
> 1.27.1 should match the behavior of earlier versions other than 1.27
> itself.)

For reference, the test in [2] does have 3 files created via (Makefile
        echo foo > debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/filenames/bokm<E5>l
        echo foo > debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/filenames/bokm\\<E5>l
        echo foo > debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/filenames/bokm\\\\<E5>l

Where <E5> is less's way of showing an unrepresentable character,
lintian uses "?" instead - the charecter is an å in (I think) ISO-8859-1.

Accordingly, when I saw the test output change and compared it what the
test was doing, I thought the test had been wrong all this time and tar
finally fixed it. Namely, I would expect the above to create the
following 3 files on the file-system

  O1 bokmål    (6 chars long)
  O2 bokm\ål   (7 chars long)
  O3 bokm\\ål  (8 chars long)

If I understand the situation correctly, then these 3 files are passed
to tar (with -T --null) via dpkg, causing them to be "unqouted".  This
reduces the number of unique names to (per [4]):

  T1  bokmål     (6 chars long, T1 is O1 in the tarball)
  T2  bokmål     (6 chars long, should have been O2, but in tar it is
                  a hardlink of T1)
  T3  bokm\ål    (7 chars long, T3 is O3 in the tarball)

T1, T2 and T3 is (as I understand you and other people on this mailing
list) the correct, expected behaviour when the tarball is built as:

   tar -cf - --format=gnu -null -T - --no-recursion

and if I want the paths named O1, O2 and O3 to appear in the tarball
(rather than T1, T2 and T3), I need to either pass --no-unquote (not an
option here) or add one more level of quoting?





[4] http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-tar/2014-03/msg00018.html

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