On Tue, 20 May 2014 12:56:48 +0200
Giuseppe Scrivano <gscriv...@gnu.org> wrote:

> Tim Ruehsen <tim.rueh...@gmx.de> writes:
> > most of this is already solved in
> > https://github.com/rockdaboot/mget which was originally thought as
> > a 'modern' Wget. I would like to see Mget and Wget merge into
> > something like 'Wget2'. At least, feel free to move code from Mget
> > into Wget as you wish (I am the author and copyright holder of
> > Mget, both projects have the same license).
> I'm afraid that Jure can't copy any existing code for his Summer of
> Code of project but reinvent the wheel if needed...
I'm slightly confused. Should I continue on working on this project
knowing it might become deprecated soon? 
I really don't mind working on either of these: creating my own or
merging mget (although SoC probably requires to code something). I
thought that at the end of the day it's in yours and Darshit's hands to
decide on what should be done.

If I'm required to code on my own, should I just follow Mget's pattern
(especially how user enters information: switches, file format ...)?
> >
> > History...
> > I have been at the same point as you some years ago. And after
> > looking at Wget I found Wget's code has to be redesigned. I had two
> > choices: struggling with grown code or restart from scratch. I did
> > the second because I didn't see a chance to get huge code changes
> > into Wget. Either you have to discuss every little change or you
> > end up with your own code branch, which might become integrated
> > into master during the next few years.
> >
> > It has been asked many times and I do it again: shouldn't we start
> > with Wget2 development, maybe having Jure as "project leader" (if
> > you want). I made a start with Mget (e.g. consequently putting
> > reusable code into a library)... and I would spend some time
> > helping to merge Mget and Wget. Due to the library based character
> > of Mget, I shouldn't be too hard.
> ...but on the long term we can avoid that task and re-use existing
> wheels.  Not sure what other people think about it, but I think wget2,
> whatever it will be, should be based on libcurl and focus the wget
> development on what wget does better, eg recursive downloads.
> Daniel will probably agree with me :-)
> Regards,
> Giuseppe

Best Regards,

Jure Grabnar

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