Tim Ruehsen <tim.rueh...@gmx.de> writes:

> AFAIK, it is more a 'would be nice'. Guiseppe as the maintainer should know 
> or 
> at least is in the right position to ask someone of the GNU 'organization'.

I guess that nobody in the FSF knows better than us what is the best
technical decision to take for the project, so let's not involve them
before we know what we want.

Mine was a proposal, not a decision, I was also thinking about HTTP 2.0
support: delegating the HTTP layer to libcurl will give us support for
HTTP 2.0 when it will be needed.  HTTP 2.0 will be needed by wget
because it will help a lot in the recursive retrieving scenario. 

> I am not sure, how we find enough people-power for this task. On the other 
> hand side, that's what I've done in the Mget project. I guess, a merge of 
> Mget 
> and Wget would be less work. Mget already implements most of Wget's options 
> plus a bunch more.

That is exactly the problem, we haven't enough people-power :-(
If there are things in mget that can be merged into wget now, I think we
should just do it.  I think you are in the best position, as mget author
and long term wget contributor to suggest future steps here :-)  Is
there anything we can easily move to wget?


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