On 20/05/14 01:23, Jure Grabnar wrote:
2) Try to figure out file size with Content-Length header. If size is
unknown fallback to a single thread download. Would it be sensible to
allow user to specify file size with some switch?
Probably. Sometimes it's available from the download page even if the
server does not provide it.

3) The main thread maintains a pool of available servers. It spawns at
most N threads if N<  M or at most M threads if M<  N, where M is
number of available mirrors. Every thread downloads each own chunk from
each own mirror using current implementation of concurrent download
for Metalink. If some mirror becomes unavailable during download from
i-th thread, that threads terminates and notifies the main thread. The
main thread spawns a new thread from available mirrors; if none is
available at the moment, it waits until some mirror becomes available
(whenever some other thread finishes downloading its chunk).
What should happen if there's no mirror left?

4) A file would be downloaded to a single temporary file as described
here: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-wget/2014-05/msg00025.html
I'm still fixing the patch, because at least one memory corruption bug
is still lurking around which is yet to be found.
Try using valgrind. I find it invaluable for these kind of bugs.

b) Front end
What would be a good way to specify mirror list? Specifying a switch
and listing all mirrors could be quite awkward. Should we introduce
some sort of a simple file format?
A plain text file with one url per line?

I believe we should take into consideration number 2: downloading
multiple files from multiple servers. Do we want to apply different
switches (options) to different files?
What about if we want to combine 1. and 2.: multiple files from multiple
mirror list? The simplest way would be to use Metalink file for such
purpose but is it the most elegant?

All your suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,

Jure Grabnar

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