On 2016-05-13 00:56:52, Ted Unangst <t...@tedunangst.com> wrote:
> 1. I have wsconsctl keyboard.bell.volume=0 because I don't like things beeping
> at me. This recently stopped working in xterm, where I now get a loud beep.
> Related to loss of pcvt?
> I'm not sure where the failure is, but my expectation is that if I say the
> glass console doesn't beep, then I don't want it beeping. Somehow the beeps
> are getting routed into the audio device before wscons fixes them.
> 2. Even with mixerctl inputs.mix_beep=0 I still here beeps. They are softer,
> but they are not gone. My expectation is that if I set something to 0, it
> should disappear.

I noticed this behavior too, and it really irritated me until I
figured out how to fix it.

In my case, I had a line in .xinitrc that read:
        xset b 50 440 100
        #xset b[ell] [volume] [pitch] [duration]

Apparently, in previous versions of OpenBSD and/or X.Org/Xenocara
the wsconsctl options overrode that.  I fixed it my case by
changing that line to the following:
        xset b 0 440 100

I'm not sure if that counts as a "fix" or or "quick hack", but it
stopped the beeping for me.


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