On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 12:56:52AM -0400, Ted Unangst wrote:
> 1. I have wsconsctl keyboard.bell.volume=0 because I don't like things beeping
> at me. This recently stopped working in xterm, where I now get a loud beep.
> Related to loss of pcvt?
> I'm not sure where the failure is, but my expectation is that if I say the
> glass console doesn't beep, then I don't want it beeping. Somehow the beeps
> are getting routed into the audio device before wscons fixes them.
> 2. Even with mixerctl inputs.mix_beep=0 I still here beeps. They are softer,
> but they are not gone. My expectation is that if I set something to 0, it
> should disappear.

Beeps are generated by a dedicated tone generator (pcppi(4) driver
on PCs) connected to a small buzzer; it's not related to sound
cards.  On some machines, to save space, the tone generator and the
sound card output are wired to the same speaker; there may or may
not be a knob to control its volume.

To disable beeps, it's simple: configure software to not use beeps. 
AFAICS only wscons and Xorg are using it; so you could disable it
with wconsctl and xset respectively.

let me know if this works

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