Hello 3APA3A!

  The Bat! v1.42 Beta/10 released Sat, 21 Apr 2001 fixes CR handling
  that you've described. It is now strict to line endings. Only
  <CR><LF>.<CR><LF> is now treated as end of message.

Mon, 23 Apr 2001 12:46:23 +0400, you wrote:

mfb>>   This is not a bug of The Bat! but a bug of MTA (POP3/SMTP servers)
mfb>>   that allow such odd messages. The proposed "bad-message"
mfb>>   (http://www.security.nnov.ru/files/badmess.zip) is not
mfb>>   RFC-compliant. Any RFC-compliant POP3/SMTP server must either bounce
mfb>>   or cure it. I've used a proposed example to send the message to
mfb>>   myself, on a FreeBSD server with Sendmail 8.11.1 I've typed
mfb>>   cat badmess | sendmail -U [EMAIL PROTECTED]

3> You're  wrong.  This  message  _is_ RFC 822 and RFC 1251 compliant. In
3> fact,  RFC  822  absolutely  clear  allows  <CR> and <LF> even in some
3> message headers:

3>  text        =  <any CHAR, including bare    ; => atoms, specials,
3>                      CR & bare LF, but NOT       ;  comments and
3>                      including CRLF>             ;  quoted-strings are
3>                                                  ;  NOT recognized.

3> _any_  pop3  server  shouldn't  change  this message, because RFC 1939
3> follows RFC 822 for message standard.

3> RFC  821  (SMTP) simply says "The mail data may contain any of the 128
3> ASCII character codes".

3> RFC  1251 allow message to contains any binary data and strings of any
3> length. In fact, sendmail allows any characters (including NULL) to be
3> in message body. "badmess" was tested with sendmail 8.9.3 + mail.local
3> + UW-pop3d 7.59.

3> P.S.  I didn't tested The Bat! with NULL characters in message body...
3> If something like


3> in message body hurts The Bat! badly RitLabs better patch it right now
3> :)

Maxim Masiutin
Vice President, Ritlabs S.R.L.

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