On 2019-01-03 08:22, Fu Jie wrote:
Thanks Alan for your review and valuable advice.

I think it's worth keeping a NB project in the repo since it seems more convenient for IDE developers.
And to keep configurations.xml current is also important.

I made a patch to fix the issue mentioned by Alan.
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aoqi/8215952/webrev.01/

It looks much cleaner. I'm just worried, like Alan, that this actually means a loss of functionality. Is NetBeans scanning all files under the specified root, and will automatically find generated files in build/**/gensrc?

On the other hand, there are few NetBeans users left out there, and you might very well represent a majority of them. :-) So if this works for you, I'm OK with the change. Please just be ready to assist if this breaks the usage for some other NB users.


Thanks Ao Qi for posting the webrev.

The main idea is that configurations.xml can be split into two parts: the manually configured part and the automatically generated part. Only the manually configured part is checked into the repo which is now less than 80 lines. And the other part will be generated automatically by NetBeans the first time when the project is opened. The complete configurations.xml would be more than 20k lines after the automatically generated part was filled in.

With this patch, configurations.xml becomes source-code independent and there is no need to update it anymore.
Would you please review it and give me some advice?

Best Regards,

On 2019/1/2 下午4:50, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 28/12/2018 06:34, Fu Jie wrote:

Please review this patch for a build failure with NetBeans:

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8215952
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aoqi/8215952/webrev.00/

The build failure is caused by an incorrect setting of preBuildCommand in make/nb_native/nbproject/configurations.xml. And all invalid source code items in configurations.xml have been removed.
I don't know the complete history as to why these project files are checked into the repo but doesn't it mean configuration.xml needs to be updated every time that a .c, .h, .cpp, or .hpp file is added, moved, or removed? I assume it will need to an update every week to keep it current so I wonder if you've looked at checking in a script that generates the project to avoid this ongoing maintenance.


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