On 03/01/2019 07:22, Fu Jie wrote:
Thanks Alan for your review and valuable advice.

I think it's worth keeping a NB project in the repo since it seems more convenient for IDE developers.
And to keep configurations.xml current is also important.

I made a patch to fix the issue mentioned by Alan.
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aoqi/8215952/webrev.01/
Thanks Ao Qi for posting the webrev.

The main idea is that configurations.xml can be split into two parts: the manually configured part and the automatically generated part. Only the manually configured part is checked into the repo which is now less than 80 lines. And the other part will be generated automatically by NetBeans the first time when the project is opened. The complete configurations.xml would be more than 20k lines after the automatically generated part was filled in.

With this patch, configurations.xml becomes source-code independent and there is no need to update it anymore.
Would you please review it and give me some advice?
This looks much better. Is the intent that someone using this project can edit all the sources in the JDK or just hotspot and the JNI/native code in the libraries? I ask because I don't understand how NB will locate the generated sources in gensrc, also not clear how NB will deal with java sources that are platform specific.


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