On Mon, 6 Feb 2023 12:34:36 GMT, Yasumasa Suenaga <ysuen...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> This is subtask of https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/12427 .
> I have seen C4819 warning in libfreetype files on Windows (CP932: Japanese 
> locale)
> d:\github-forked\jdk\src\java.desktop\share\native\libfreetype\src\autofit\afscript.h(1):
>  warning C4819: ファイルは、現在のコード ページ (932) で表示できない文字を含んでいます。データの損失を防ぐために、ファイルを 
> Unicode 形式で保存してください。
> I added C4819 to DISABLED_WARNINGS_microsoft for libfontmanager and for 
> libfreetype because they are 3rd-party libraries.

I grep'ed (with `-i`) in `doc` directory with `LANG`, `utf`, `locale`, but I 
could not find out them. I guess locale of build environment is not mentioned 
clearly. Is it correct?

I agree with you to use English locale (e.g. `LANG=C`) is prefered, but I guess 
may difficult when we use WSL because `LANG` is not propergate to Windows 

I confirmed that it is succeeded to build with `--with-extra-cflags=/utf-8 
--with-extra-cxxflags=/utf-8`, so I think it is better to add them to build 
option for Windows by default, but I'm not sure it is correct because no 
documents mention to the locale. What do you think?


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/12436

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