On Tue, 6 Aug 2024 17:07:55 GMT, Jiangli Zhou <jian...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> No, it's not when building libjvm.a. It's when linking the final elf 
> executable using libjvm.a (or libnet.a, etc) that's created with ld -r or 
> objcopy. During the final elf executable linking time, user could include 
> additional desired linker flags, such as -Wl,--icf=safe. That's the case 
> where things can run into trouble.

Ok, I see. The static library that we generate is not usable by a later 
invocation of lld.

Just out of curiousity, is running objcopy required to reproduce this problem, 
or is it enough to run lld first with -r and then for linking the static 
library into an executable? If it is the latter, I think it is a really sorry 
implementation in lld, if they can't even use their own output. (If objcopy 
messes up the file, then it's a different story -- I can't really blame them if 
that would happen).

> We don't have control of the linker flags that users might want to use.

Well, that is indeed correct, but we can tell them that there is a know problem 
with lld that it cannot link these binaries with --icf=safe. (At this point I 
am primarily treating this as an lld bug/limitation.)

>>    If you were to remove these sections, then the linker will believe that 
>> all functions are safe to merge.

> How did you arrive the conclusion?

I quoted the part from one of the links you sent:  "Functions that are not 
mentioned in the section are not address-taken (no one takes its pointer), so 
they are safe to merge."

Prior to reading this PR, I did not know about icf, so I have no other 
knowledge about how it works. I interpreted the paragraph above as it would be 
risky to remove this section (given that it might have contained relevant 
content before it was mangled by ld -r/objcopy), since it would apply that 
there were no functions that needed preserving.

> When .llvm_addrsig section is removed (not present), my understanding is that 
> the linker would only do conservative identical code folding safely.

Well, my contrary question is then: How did you arrive at this conclusion? I'd 
like to get some definite, authoritative documentation on how icf works in the 
presence of a mangled .llvm_addrsig section vs an intentionally removed 
.llvm_addrsig section.

As I see it, unless there is documentation stating that removing the 
.llvm_addrsig section is safe to combine with --icf=safe, then the only 
reliable option is to not use icf at all. Reasonably, lld should fall back to 
that behavior if it is missing  .llvm_addrsig sections, but apparently it 
chooses to fail instead. 

I'm not sure what this "conservative" icf you talk about means. My 
understanding, after trying to read the docs now, is that there is only three 
modes that ICF works in: safe, all or none. If this understanding is correct, 
then you only have two options if lld can't do safe icf: namely all or none. 
And all seems to be a dangerous choice, since it can lead to UB. 

> Removing .llvm_addrsig is safe. 

You keep saying this. Please show me some documentation that supports this 


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/20265#issuecomment-2271945258

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