Hi Rob !

>Hijacking a mailing list thread about a bug to promote an alternate
>_incompatible_ implementation is not even potentially the same as
>addressing the bug. It's not "look, this other code has a bug, I win!"
>That's not how it works. I've been working to replace busybox with
>toybox for years and I still occasionally submit bug reports (and
>fixes!) here.

Now you are going to far! Nobody hijacked the thread, and when it was
my mistake. Due to the running thread about an decompressor bug I
hooked in and tried to push somewhat an older announcement from
Antonio about lzip. This started this horrible discussion, as far as I

I do not want to go further here. Denys said no. I sill like to
(quickly) have a better compressor statically linked into the Busybox
binary. At least until an xz compressor for Busybox is available. I
accept Denys decision, but like to ask Antonio to further provide
patches to add lzip compressor/decompressor to Busybox. That way those
people who like, may add lzip to there Busybox. The only thing I want
to request from Denys is a link from Busybox web site to Antonios site
where he provides the patches (tiny utilities section?). To have a
known starting location, in case someone loses the link to Anonios site.

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