Sven, you totally missed the whole point of the thread in my opinion.
At least three people expressed that it is about convenience, a useful

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 7:36 PM, Sven-Göran Bergh
<> wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> I have just finished reading through this thread and yet I have not seen
> any substantial explanation _why_ BB should include this feature.
> Both Harald and Cristian have suggested reasonable solutions for this.
> The concept of sourcing a config file from an initscript is common practice
> for most init systems whether it be sysvinit, systemd, or whatever. Sure
> they all differ in details, but the principal stays the same.
> So please explain what is so unique about your setup that this methods
> cannot be used. A flame war on how this could be done is not a satisfying
> answer to _why_. Convenience?
> Brgds
> /S-G
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