Hi Mike !

On 18-03-2014 15:12 Mike Dean <md...@emacinc.com> wrote:
># Put your ntp nameservers here

To clarify: It's not a name server, it's a time server (NTP =
network time protocol).

... and what makes it difficult to write such things in a file,
use an sed filter to read that config into a script variable,
then use the arguments from variable when invoking Busybox ntpd?

With some clever sed rules you can filter out empty lines and
comments, pick lines which start with "timeserver" then add the
required "-p" parameter prefix to any such lines, giving a
roughly checked with no increase of binary file (binary file
always use memory, scripts are read as files by line/buffer and
don't need to be completely in memory, file space is cheap
compared to working memory -- rough explanation why script size
matters less than binary size, details depend on many factors). 

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